Jul 10, 2019 · El B1 Preliminary (PET) es el examen de Cambridge English utilizado para certificar un nivel de competencia lingüística en inglés equivalente a un B1, tal y como lo describe el Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) o Marco Común Europeo (MCE).. Antes de 2015, a esta prueba se le llamaba Preliminary English Test, por lo que aún es común referirse a él
Preliminary English Test predictable use of language. A B1 Level user will be able to use English in their own or a foreign country in contact with native and non-native speakers of English for general purposes as described below. The type of materials a PET candidate can deal with The text types which can be handled by the learner at this Mock Examination 1 ENGLISH B1 - dsh-germany.com Eng(B1)-Mock Examination 1 A colleague would like to stay with a family in Italy. A friend wants to learn French and take an examination at the end of the course. Someone you know wants to learn English next summer at a university in England. Your friend wants to learn … HOW TO WRITE A PERFECT STORY FOR THE CAMBRIDGE B1 ...
Download Free English PET B1 Exercises Worksheets for offline use. There are hundreds of English exercise aspects for your to practice. These English PET B1 Exercises Worksheets were designed as PDF format so that you can print and photocopy easily for your students or classes. B1 Use of English Tests – Test English - Test your English B1 Use of English tests B1 English test 1 - text with multiple choice gaps. B1 English test 2 – multiple choice questions. B1 English test 3 - text with multiple choice gaps. B1 English test 4 – multiple choice questions. Take a level test Find your test Menu. PET Handbook, Sample Papers (Paper 1, Reading and Writing) PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST PAPER 1 Reading and Writing SAMPLE PAPER 1 1 hour 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer sheets Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) TIME 1 hour 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page. PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST SAMPLE TEST 6 …
exams - ENGLISH FOR B1 At level B1 you can communicate in a simple and connected way in everyday situations, while travelling and when talking about topics that are of personal interest. You can describe experiences, hopes and ambitions and give reasons for opinions. On the whole you can use the most important grammatical structures correctly. Practice Test B1 | Euroexam Practice Test B1 All practice papers are the intellectual property of Euroexam International and as such are protected by copyright law. Reproduction of part or all of their contents is prohibited without our prior written permission. B1 English test 1 – text with multiple choice gaps
Jan 27, 2014 · PET (B1) Students' eportfolios. Units. Ireland, getting closer. Unit 2: It's a Disaster! Unit 4. Smart Art! PET Speaking.pdf; The video below is a nice example of a PET speaking test: Listen! The more English you listen to the better your will do. Listen to the radio, English language TV, podcasts PET (B1 Preliminary) Speaking Exam - YouTube Jun 08, 2016 · In this lesson, you’ll learn about part one of the Cambridge PET speaking exam. Do you know the basic information about the PET speaking exam and how it work 1- Word formations B1 - Corsi 1-Word formations B1 Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits grammatically in the gap. Example: Baseball is the (0)__ non traditional sport in Japan.(0) FAVOURITE (0) FAVOUR Sports in Japan are a significant part of (1)_____ culture. Cambridge Pet Exam Sample Papers 2020 B1 Preliminary (PET) - Cambridge English Exams Cambridge Grammar for PET provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar needed for the exam and gives you the chance to hear grammar being used in different situations, as well as offering plenty of exam practice.
B1 Use of English tests B1 English test 1 - text with multiple choice gaps. B1 English test 2 – multiple choice questions. B1 English test 3 - text with multiple choice gaps. B1 English test 4 – multiple choice questions. Take a level test Find your test Menu.